Passive Voice | Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

 Sahabat Latis, pernahkah kalian mendengar atau belajar tentang kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif? Seperti apa bentuk kalimatnya?

Kalimat aktif merupakan kalimat yang menunjukkan subjek yang sedang melakukan sesuatu. Sedangkan kalimat pasif menunjukkan objek yang dikenakan pekerjaan oleh subjek.

Namun, pada pembahasan kali ini, Sahabat Latis akan belajar sepenuhnya tentang kalimat pasif. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita menyebutnya sebagai passive voice.

Lalu, seperti apa pembelajaran passive voice dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut? Agar kamu memahami materi ini dengan baik Mari simak dan pelajari ulasan berikut.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Dalam pembelajaran kali ini, Sahabat Latis akan belajar tentang apa itu passive voice, ketentuan mengubah kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif, dan bentuk-bentuk kalimat pasif.

A.     Apa Itu Passive Voice?

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa kalimat itu terdiri dari dua bentuk yaitu kalimat aktif (active voice) dan kalimat pasif (passive voice).

Pada kalimat aktif, subjek selalu menunjukkan apa yang dikerjakannya. Misalnya saja “ibu membeli susu”. Sedangkan pada kalimat pasif, subjek menerima aksi tersebut. Misalnya “susu dibeli oleh ibu”.

Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, terdapat beberapa perubahan jika kita mengubah active voice menjadi passive voice.


Mommy buys the milk (active voice)

The milk is bought by mommy (passive voice)

Perbedaan kedua contoh kalimat di atas terletak pada struktur kalimatnya. Jika pada kalimat pertama kita menggunakan present tense, maka dalam bentuk passive voice, kita harus menambahkan “be” dan past participle yang sesuai.

B.      Rules of Passive Voice

Ketika membuat kalimat passive, terdapat hal-hal yang mesti kita sesuaikan. Pertama, Sahabat Latis harus memperhatikan kata ganti dan grammar yang digunakan. Setelah itu, cek apa yang menjadi ciri khas passive voice itu sendiri.

Passive voice menggunakan kata ganti seperti:

  • ·        I menjadi Me
  • ·        We menjadi Us
  • ·        You menjadi You
  • ·        He menjadi Him
  • ·        She menjadi Her
  • ·        It menjadi It  
  • ·        They menjadi Them

Setelah itu, perhatikan poin-poin berikut ini.

  • ·        Identifikasi subject, verb, dan object.
  • ·        Posisikan objek sebagai subjek.
  • ·        Letakkan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu) yang sesuai.
  • ·        Ganti verb menjadi bentuk past participle.
  • ·        Tambahkan preposition “by”.

Kapan kita menggunakan passive voice?

  • Passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan objek yang dikenakan tindakan. E.g.: quizzes are given regularly, grade for all students are awesome, etc.
  • Passive voice digunakan ketika kita tidak mengetahui siapa yang melakukan aksi pada sebuah kalimat. E.g.: The questions have been answered.
  • Passive voice digunakan ketika kita tidak ingin menggunakan subject “I”. E.g.: It has been concluded . . . , studies have proven that . . . , etc.
  • Passive voice digunakan untuk menyatakan mereka yang mengerjakan sesuatu secara umum atau people in general. E.g.: It was once believed that the earth is flat, Bahasa Indonesia is seen as a very easy language to learn, etc.
  • Passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan penting atau tidaknya siapa yang melakukan sebuah aksi. E.g.: He is being treated for cancer, all articles are proofread before going to post on website, etc.

Baca juga: Bimbel CPNS Online

Passive Voice

C.      Forms of Passive Voice

Terdapat beberapa form atau bentuk-bentuk passive voice berdasarkan present time, past time, dan future time.

Present Time

Terdapat penggunaan tenses simple present, present progressive, dan present perfect.

How to Use Simple Present?

Active (base form or “-s/-es” form)

·        Professor Bryan teaches at British Council.

·        Vania eats in the restaurant.

Passive (am/is/are + past participle)

·        Karen is taught by Professor Bryan.

·        The restaurant is cleaned.

 How to Use Present Progressive?

Active (am/is/are + -ing)

·        Shane is working at Burger King until she finishes school.

·        The kids are learning French.

Passive (am/is/are + being + -ed/-en)

·        Classes are being conducted in French.

·        She is being hired to work at Burger King.

How to Use Present Perfect?

Active (has/have + -ed/-en)

·        British Council has opened a language institute in London.

·        British Council has offered E.S.L courses for ten years.

Passive (has/have + been + -ed/-en)

·        The language institute has been opened to relocate students off the main campus.

·        E.S.L. courses have been offered since the beginning of Open Admissions

Past Time

Terdapat penggunaan tenses simple past, past progressive, dan past perfect.

How to Use Simple Past?

Active (base + -ed or irregular form)

·        Our family bought all our stuffs at Sears when I was young.

·        On my fourteenth birthday, my aunty gave me one hundred dollars

Passive (was/were + -ed/-en)

·        The stuffs were bought by my mother

·        The money was given to me to buy new bag.

How to Use Past Progressive?

Active (was/were + -ing)

·        Stela and Andy were getting married in those days.

Passive (was/were + being + -ed/-en)

·        One evening, Stela was being hugged by Andy when her mother passed by.

How to Use Past Perfect?

Active (had + -ed/-en)

·        Stela’s mother was shocked because she had forbidden her daughter to marry.

Passive (had + been + -ed/-en)

·        Stela had been hugged many times before that day.

Future Time

Terdapat penggunaan tenses simple future untuk mengubah bentuk active voice ke passive voice form.

How to Use Simple Future?

Active (will + base atau am/is/are going to + base)

·        Stela is going to wear her grandmother's gown.

Passive (will + be + -ed/-en atau am/is/are + going to be + -ed/-en)

·        The gown is going to be adjusted to fit Stela.


Modal + Passive Voice

Modal dapat ditambahkan untuk mengubah bentuk active voice menjadi passive voice dengan syarat bahwa kalimat itu adalah kalimat present dan present perfect.


Present: This cake can be made with margarine instead of butter.

Past: She’s very upset. She might have been fired from her job.

Past: That was very dangerous. You could have been lost!



Present: Crops can't be grown here because the soil is too rocky.

Past: The task couldn't have been finished in a day. It was at least a week's worth of work.



Positive: Videos may be taken during the performance.

Negative: Cell phones may not be used in the laboratory.



Present: Something should be done about the problem.

Past: Something should have been done about the problem a long time ago.



Positive: The shipment must be delivered before the deadline.

Negative: The samples must not be exposed to contamination.


Passive Voice

D.     Let’s Practice!

Setelah mengetahui apa itu passive voice dan sepeti apa form of passive voice itu, sekarang waktunya bagi kita untuk berlatih mengubah form active voice to passive voice.

Yuk pelajari contoh berikut ini!

Mengubah Imperative Sentence

E.g. 1

Active: Tell her to go.

Passive: Let her be told to go.

E.g. 2

Active: Please come here!

Passive: You are requested to come here.

Mengubah Interrogative Sentence

E.g. 1

Active: Do you see the boy?

Passive: Is the boy seen by you?

E.g. 2

Active: Which pencil do you want?

Passive: Which pencil is wanted by you?


Baca juga: Les CPNS Jakarta

Bagaimana Sahabat Latis, sudah mulai paham kan dengan materi Passive Voice?

Supaya kamu makin paham dengan materi lainnya, bisa jawab PR dan tugas di sekolah dengan mudah dan prestasi kamu meningkat tajam, kamu bisa coba ikutan les privat Latisprivat lho!

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Sampai ketemu di kelas!



Dr. Murray and Anna C. Rockowitz Writing Center, Hunter College, City University of New York.

Voice Change Module by Gouri Mitra.

Bashir, Makhruk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.









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